Notebooks are a primary way in which people record their thoughts, experiences, inspirations and ideas. Journaling is quite popular among creative people, because it enables you to make your ideas and your thinking tangible.

Finding the right notebook is important. Ideally, the medium in which you record your ideas should inspire you to do so. For some creative, a colorful cover can make a huge difference, reminding you of who you are and what you stand for. More visual-minded creatives may want a notebook with a dot grid or quadrille pattern, so they can capture their sketches and doodles. Finally, pocket-sized notebooks are ideal for those of us who need to capture our ideas any time, anywhere!

In this collection of notebooks, you’ll find a variety of solutions to meet all of your creative needs.

Dot grid notebooks

Pocket-sized notebooks


My reviews of creative notebooks:

You’ll flip for Code & Quill’s new Compass notebook

The Panobook notebook – love at first sketch

The ultimate notebook for digital nomads

The Steal Like an Artist Journal: The ultimate portable creativity course

Additional insights into using notebooks as an idea capture tool:

When using an idea journal, give your ideas room to grow

Why should you maintain a visual diary?