How to be a Brilliant ThinkerWhen it comes to creative problem solving, few authors have earned my respect as much as Paul Sloane. His book, How to be a Brilliant Thinker: Exercise Your Mind and Find Creative Solutions, is a practical handbook for anyone who needs to jump-start their thinking in fresh, new directions.

After a brief introductory chapter, in which Sloane explains why creative thinking is critically important today, he jumps right into a collection of proven techniques and exercises designed to whack your thinking out of its well-worn, rutted paths. The techniques he explores in How to be a Brilliant Thinker include:

  • Confronting your assumptions
  • Thinking laterally
  • Thinking visually
  • Thinking in combinations

Each chapter is presented in a handful of pages, making them easily digestible if you only have a few minutes to read. Many creative thinking principles are presented using fascinating stories and anecdotes, adding to the book’s appeal as an interesting read. My favorite part of the book is the 50-question checklist near the end of the book, which has challenged me to think more deeply about the way that I engage in creative problem solving.

If you’re new to the topic of creativity, you’ll find many useful techniques in How to be a Brilliant Thinker that you can use right away. Even if you’re a seasoned creative professional, you’ll find new ideas and insights from which you can profit.

Sloane’s book isn’t just a collection of blue-sky thinking techniques, however. It also provides tips on how to evaluate and implement your best ideas. Chapters like “Prioritize and focus” and “Turn thinking in to action” help you to avoid procrastination and generate the momentum you need to implement your breakthrough ideas.

In short, How to be a Brilliant Thinker is well written and engaging book that will help you to stretch your synapses in some powerful and profitable new directions.

You can purchase it here on

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